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CREMONA, Cremona, ITAIllimitatoTempo pieno

(Jr.) Expert Global Market Access & Health Economics (m/f/d) – CoE Market Access

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Fresenius Medical Care, worldwide multinational company leader in the production of dialysis machinery and in the delivery of services for the treatment of renal insufficiency, is looking for a (Jr.) Expert Global Market Access & Health Economics.

The required profile will report to the Senior Director Market Access & Health Economics.

He/She/They will be in charge of ensuring competitive advantage and market access in a stricter regulated and value-focused healthcare & sales environment by developing, coordinating and executing systematic approaches that integrate value sales across the entire medical technology portfolio by supporting the Head of the CoE Market access to serve and partner with global commercial operations.

The position will be based in Italy, Germany or in the Netherlands with options to remote work.


  • Take over the responsibility of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) from the head of CoE Market Access focused on following the development of the regulations globally, requirements, raise awareness in the organization internally etc. This includes activities such as active participation in HTA workgroups of industry associations, closely monitor scientific publications and developments in major HTA institutions, closely aligning with our local commercial organizations to understand the requirements for HTA processes and align with the colleagues in the CoE Health Economics on documentation that needs to be prepared for such processes.
  • Assist and support the MAHE Sustainability Counterpart from a market access perspective on the market developments in sustainability, localizing documentation, sustainability data generation with local commercial organizations etc.
  • Assist the Head of the CoE Market Access in steering the MAHE Community EMEA by serving the needs of local MAHE competencies that are reporting functionally in EMEA and at HQ level globally.
  • Contribute to Value Sales readiness to non-clinical budget holders and support in strategic communication towards & engagement with health policy decision makers.
  • Bring in competence to support Value-Based Sales & Procurement this includes the localization, training & co-implementation of value selling tools by local sales organizations to increase revenue and/or profitability.
  • Support MAHE excellence, adaptation and training of global value selling instruments into local sales enablers with support focus on EMEA.
  • Contribute to the skill development of EMEA teams in the area of health system dynamics, health economics, reimbursement. Support the conceptualization and implementation of innovative/value-based procurement and reimbursement schemes together with the Head of the CoE Market Access together with the EMEA region/countries (e.g. value-based payment models).
  • Assist in governing the EMEA Community of local Market Access & Health Economic responsibles (e.g. Community communication, design of group education programmes, facilitate implementation of strategic roadmaps, etc.).
  • Support the Head of the CoE Market Access and local MAHE responsibles to define and follow-up on country activity roadmaps and provide status updates for the EMEA region.
  • Contribute to the implementation of compliant payer engagement policies in the EMEA region and support local payer/procurer roundtables accordingly.
  • Assist in retrieving and consolidation of reimbursement reference data for reimbursement analyses (e.g. M&A and Business Development processes, reimbursement handbook etc.) and product registration in EMEA (i.e. new products and also shifting existing products from distributor responsibility to FME sales ownership).
  • Support the Head of CoE Market Access in reimbursement monitoring and EMEA health system / policy / risk analyses for e.g. Global CEO presentations to the FME Supervisory Board, Global Management Board and Investor Relations


  • Bachelor or Master’s degree in Market Access / Health Economic / Public Health / Public Policy fields
  • 2-5 years of work experience in the market access & health economic field for both MedTech products and health care services with a focus on the Europe, Middle East & Africa region and globally
  • International knowledge:
    • Good knowledge of international health care systems, health policy and health economics, with a focus on EMEA countries.
    • Good knowledge of market access trends and dynamics with a focus on EMEA countries. Good knowledge of reimbursement mechanisms (inpatient and outpatient) with a focus on EMEA. Good knowledge of HTA and other health economic methodologies.
    • Network in health policy, market access and HTA in EMEA region. Further knowledge and competence on these topics outside EMEA region is welcomed.
  • Solid English knowledge (B2/C1)
  • Excellent knowledge of MS-Office and other office products, health economic & scientific databases, project management software
  • Travel up to 30% in EMEA

Fresenius Medical Care promotes equal opportunities and a diverse environment – ​​ALL talented applications are welcome.

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Fresenius Medical Care


Bad Homburg (DEU)CREMONA (Cremona, ITA)s-Hertogenbosch (NLD)

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Marketing e comunicazioni

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Ci preoccupiamo di condividere informazioni ed esperienze in quanto ciò ci aiuta a imparare dai nostri errori e gli uni dagli altri. Affrontiamo insieme le sfide contattando i colleghi vicini e lontani. Comunichiamo apertamente.


Sfidiamo lo status quo e mostriamo interesse per ciò che accade intorno a noi. Facciamo domande per capire chiaramente cosa deve essere fatto e assumerci la responsabilità dei risultati.


Siamo all'altezza delle nostre aspettative, mostriamo rispetto e diamo l'esempio. Ogni giorno agiamo con integrità e in linea con i nostri standard.


Rendiamo le cose migliori oggi rispetto a ieri. Proponiamo idee su come migliorare e innovare.

Ciò che rappresentiamo

Potenziare le persone. Cura avanzata. Ispirando con il nostro scopo e valori.

Tutto ciò che facciamo qui mira a rendere la vita delle persone migliore, più semplice e più lunga. I nostri team lavorano in modo interfunzionale per riprodurre la complessa funzione dei reni con trattamenti che soddisfano standard di qualità elevati, migliorano i risultati clinici e sono sostenibili e conformi. Internamente, promuoviamo la diversità e l'inclusione come elementi chiave di un ambiente di lavoro positivo e di supporto. I nostri valori supportano la nostra missione di sviluppare prodotti e servizi di alta qualità, avere un impatto positivo sulla salute e sul benessere dei pazienti e guidare Fresenius Medical Care verso un futuro di successo e sostenibile.