HomeRicerca posizioniSenior Software Architect
CREMONA, Cremona, ITAIllimitatoTempo pieno

Senior Software Architect

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Fresenius Medical Care, worldwide multinational company leader in the production of dialysis machinery and in the delivery of services for the treatment of renal insufficiency, is looking for a Senior System & Product Architect.

The required profile will report to the Head of Software Systems & Product Architecture – Digital Services and Solutions.

The professional will be a Senior member of the Software System and Product Architecture team within Digital Solutions & responsible for leading and architecting the software supporting our software portfolio. Primarily focused on the core and extended services of managing Home/In-Center/Critical Care therapies/operations. This role will also include architectural work for Cloud Platforms, HealthTech IoT, Medical Device, and EHR Integration based on Industry Standards.

The position will be based in Vaiano Cremasco (CR) with availability to work remotely for 3 days per week.


  • Determine split into domains that segregates the digital ecosystem into meaningful functional components, and
  • provide functionally reach, reliable modules according to architectural framework in an agile, fast way.
  • Segregate medical and non-medical device functionality into components to enable fast and independent development cycles.
  • Provides engineering expertise in the software architecture and methodologies.
  • Works with members of the Customer Journey & Experience organization and Technology, Innovation and Architecture organization to define future proof software system and product architecture.


  • Bachelor or Master’s degree in Information/Digital Technology, Software Engineering or equivalent working experience
  • Minimum 8+ years experience in a similar function with focus on platform and product architecture development and management
  • Solid English knowledge, Italian preferred
  • Travel up to 10%
  • Workload coverage during peak times to achieve final committed delivery.


  • Basic networking principles
  • Virtual Machines principles
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • Visual Studio
  • Visual Studio Code
  • MS Office (preferred)
  • Miro (preferred)
  • Figma (preferred)
  • Microsoft Stack (.NET, C#)
  • Microservices and Events based architectures
  • Containers, OCI, Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • React
  • Relational Databases (SQL Server, PostgreSQL)
  • Document Databases (MongoDB, CosmosDB)
  • Cloud Stack (Azure)
  • Shell Scripting (Bash, PowerShell)


  • Tech savvy: anticipating and adopting innovations in business-building digital and technology applications.
  • Strategic mindset: seeing ahead to future possibilities and translating them to breakthrough strategies.
  • Collaborates: building partnerships and working collaboratively with others to meet shared objectives.
  • Decision Quality: making good and timely decisions that keep the organization moving forward.
  • Global perspective: taking a broad view when approaching issues, using a global lens.
  • Communicates effectively: developing and delivering multi-mode communications that convey a clear understanding of the unique needs of different audiences.
  • Cultivates innovation: creating new and better ways for the organization to be successful.

Professionals aligned with the required profile will be contacted. We thank in advance the other candidates, who will not be provided with direct feedback. We will keep their profiles for future opportunities.

Fresenius Medical Care promotes equal opportunities and a diverse environment – ​​ALL talented applications are welcome!

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Fresenius Medical Care



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Tempo pieno


Architettura e sistemi informatici

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Finché l'annuncio di lavoro sarà disponibile, potrai candidarti in maniera semplice e rapida.

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Ci preoccupiamo di condividere informazioni ed esperienze in quanto ciò ci aiuta a imparare dai nostri errori e gli uni dagli altri. Affrontiamo insieme le sfide contattando i colleghi vicini e lontani. Comunichiamo apertamente.


Sfidiamo lo status quo e mostriamo interesse per ciò che accade intorno a noi. Facciamo domande per capire chiaramente cosa deve essere fatto e assumerci la responsabilità dei risultati.


Siamo all'altezza delle nostre aspettative, mostriamo rispetto e diamo l'esempio. Ogni giorno agiamo con integrità e in linea con i nostri standard.


Rendiamo le cose migliori oggi rispetto a ieri. Proponiamo idee su come migliorare e innovare.

Ciò che rappresentiamo

Potenziare le persone. Cura avanzata. Ispirando con il nostro scopo e valori.

Tutto ciò che facciamo qui mira a rendere la vita delle persone migliore, più semplice e più lunga. I nostri team lavorano in modo interfunzionale per riprodurre la complessa funzione dei reni con trattamenti che soddisfano standard di qualità elevati, migliorano i risultati clinici e sono sostenibili e conformi. Internamente, promuoviamo la diversità e l'inclusione come elementi chiave di un ambiente di lavoro positivo e di supporto. I nostri valori supportano la nostra missione di sviluppare prodotti e servizi di alta qualità, avere un impatto positivo sulla salute e sul benessere dei pazienti e guidare Fresenius Medical Care verso un futuro di successo e sostenibile.